preserved, not doing so could make it harder to later track
down who might have a copyright interest in a given
+ <p>Q: Does the WPDD have a patent retaliation clause?<br>
+ A: No. In essence these say that, if a licensee sues the
+ licensor for patent infringement then any patent license that
+ the licensee received will terminate. The WPDD doesn't
+ include this for two reasons:</p>
+ <ul><li>You need to have have patents for such a clause to
+ work, and those are given up as part of the WPDD.</li>
+ <li>It runs contrary to the Statement of Purpose.</li></ul>
<p>Q: Why doesn't the Worldwide Public Domain Dedication
(WPDD) include trademarks?<br>
A: The WPDD doesn't include trademarks because that's a