[wpdd-discuss] Request for comments: Reword Section 6

Jason Yundt jason at jasonyundt.email
Mon Oct 10 17:11:27 EDT 2022

On Sat, Oct 08, 2022 at 05:46:00PM -0700, Jason Self wrote:
> I'm thinking to reword section 6 to be clearer, as I did get some
> comments that it wasn't clear to them. A possible diff is attached.

I took your diff and modified it further. Here’s what I changed:

1. I removed the phrase “new versions of _this_ Worldwide Public Domain
Dedication”. When I see the phrase “this WPDD” I interpret it as “the
version of WPDD that you’re currently reading”.

2. I replaced “Worldwide Public Domain Dedication (WPDD)” with “WPDD” to
make it harder to get lost while reading the sentence.

3. I made the sentence structure more parallel by talking about going
from one version to another version. Originally, it talked about going
from this WPDD to another version.

4. I simplified the part that said “such Work from the one received.”
-------------- next part --------------
diff --git a/wpdd.txt b/wpdd.txt
index f16b0ec..a265240 100644
--- a/wpdd.txt
+++ b/wpdd.txt
@@ -160,12 +160,13 @@ License, and in such case Affirmer hereby affirms that they will not
 any associated claims and causes of action with respect to the Work, 
 in either case contrary to Affirmer's express Statement of Purpose.
-6. Versions. New versions of this Worldwide Public Domain Dedication 
+6. Versions. New versions of the Worldwide Public Domain Dedication 
 (WPDD) may be released via https://wpdd.info in order to address 
 issues or concerns that come up. Such new versions shall remain 
 similar in spirit to provide, as closely as possible, a total waiver 
-of all rights. You may elect to apply any later version of this 
-Worldwide Public Domain Dedication (WPDD) to the Work.
+of all rights. Any person or organization receiving a Work covered 
+by this version of the WPDD may elect to apply any later version of 
+the WPDD to that Work.
 7. Limitations and Disclaimers.

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