[wpdd-discuss] Request for comments: Reword Section 6

Jason Self j at jxself.org
Tue Oct 11 20:54:12 EDT 2022

On Mon, 10 Oct 2022 17:11:27 -0400
Jason Yundt <jason at jasonyundt.email> wrote:

> I took your diff and modified it further. Here’s what I changed:
> 1. I removed the phrase “new versions of _this_ Worldwide Public
> Domain Dedication”. When I see the phrase “this WPDD” I interpret
> it as “the version of WPDD that you’re currently reading”.
> 2. I replaced “Worldwide Public Domain Dedication (WPDD)” with
> “WPDD” to make it harder to get lost while reading the sentence.
> 3. I made the sentence structure more parallel by talking about
> going from one version to another version. Originally, it talked
> about going from this WPDD to another version.
> 4. I simplified the part that said “such Work from the one
> received.”

Thank you. This has been applied, and we're recorded as co-authors in
the git history.
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